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The Miracle of Christmas

Deranged Father Christmas around the holidays.

Father Christmas, the all-around magician, do-gooder of christmas and a friend of all the children that are nice has been descending into madness and misery for some years now. It may be perhaps due to his advanced age of many hundred years, or his inability to keep up with the changing world. Be as it may, his dark countenance is a difficult thing to behold.

Nonetheless, his secret workshop in Korvatunturi still works, his army of gnomes still make countless presents and organize the christmas time work so everything runs smoothly.

Father Christmas eases his inner suffering through brutal discipline towards his gnomes as well as towards the neighboring small town of Savukoski. Nobody dares to expose his true nature, as he is a revered icon and ambassador of good will around the world.

And to top everything off, during the early autumn a weird plague struck and killed all the pigs in Finland. It is a horror for the gnomes as they know that Father Christmas eats 5 kilograms of christmas ham every day. Their stock is running dangerously low.


  • Christmas is a time of miracles
  • Christmas is the time of bright colors
  • Sometimes it is blue, blue Christmas

Father Christmas

He is hundreds of years old magician, a Christmas phenomena all in himself. His workshops manufacture presents for all the nice children of the world and in 24th of December he embarks on his magical quest: to visit all the nice children of the world and deliver presents using his sled pulled by his magical reindeer. He and his gnomes will use all the year to prepare themselves for this ordeal.

In recent years he has been obsessed over the choosing of the kids, who to allow in his nice kids -list and to receive presents and who not to. His intelligence agency of gnomes delivers reports as they have always done, but he is now interfering with their work, wreaking havoc everywhere.

Many wonder, whether this Christmas will see it all coming crashing down.

3 Magician
Hundreds of years old being capable of manipulating time and space.
2 Leader
He runs a secret nation of gnomes.
2 Revered
He is an icon of good will around the world.
1 Old
He has seen things come and go.
1 Madness
The years are quickly catching up with him.
1 Out of touch with reality
He is old and can't keep up.


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the_miracle_of_christmas.txt · Last modified: 2024/01/04 18:06 by entropyus