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Story honoring the style of the old classic mysteries.

Arthur Christie was a very rich man. He gathered his massive wealth during the beginning of the Twenties, investing his inheritance he got from his late father into oil and car business. He was better known for his odd gambling victories that came later and both increased his wealth and made him a celebrity of his time.

And as a move to increase his odd fame he moved to a secluded manor in an island located at the coast of Connecticut. Rumors of his deeds were widespread and it seemed that the servants he hired often quit their jobs early despite the high salary he offered for the work. Some insisted that his manor was haunted and that Mr. Christie himself had something to do with it, but such talk was rarely taken seriously. It did, however add to the quirky reputation the man had.

Although Mr. Christie never married, his family took part in creating the myth around him. He had three sisters, of who one killed herself and two were found guilty of frauds. Their children were a diverse bunch of misfits and low-life heroes whose get-rich schemes seemed to fail them again and again. They didn't get any financial help from their grandfather, that was for sure.


  • Promise of wealth drives men into desperate acts
  • The world is thinner in some places
  • Never do anything yourself that others can do for you

Lawrence Peacecradle

Mr. Peacecradle is the only son of Hetty Peacecradle, oldest sister of Arthur Christie. She married a con artist that gave her that unique last name and Lawrence was the fruit of their short marriage that wasn't probably missing drama.

He hasn't fallen far from the tree himself. Charismatic, handsome and absolutely without a backbone, Mr. Peacecradle has seen a lot of things in his twenty five years of existence.

Getting rich quick has been his game and he has tried to reach his goal with a relentless effort, and that from a man who hasn't done an honest day of work in his life. His efforts so far have failed him miserably, making him more or less desperate.

The letter finds him in this state.

Dear Mr. Peacecradle.

You are hereby invited to the Green Rock Manor, located at the island in the coast of Connecticut near Stamford. You should arrive here in the sixth of July. All the required travel arrangements have already been made and tickets can be found in this envelope next to this letter.

This issue is most urgent, as it concerns the death of your grandfather, Arthur Christie and his inheritance.

On behalf of Mr. Christie Mr. Peabody, Attorney of law

3 Conman
He has survived through his life by the work of others.
2 Charismatic
He is handsome and can give a good impression.
2 Able-bodied
He is a well-built man even if lazy.
1 Quick learner
He can pick things quickly if properly motivated.
1 Driven
Works hard (but only) when in promise of riches.
1 Weathercock
Persistence is not for him.
1 Coward
He things highly of personal safety.


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inheritance.1516567903.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/01/21 22:51 by entropyus